Christianity hate witches and during the era of Christian rule, accusing people of been witches and then burning those people alive, was a common practice. Something that continue to exist for almost 100 years, after overthrowing the rule of the church.
Within the next 400 years, we see things continue to improve, as people started seen witchcraft differently, where more movies started showing witches despite having magical power, to be kind and beautiful, with TV shows such as Bewitch, Sabrina the teenage witch and Charmed
This article would argue this change is a positive change and while having to side with witches or the teaching of the bible, you should side with witches.
First, lets us understand what is witches. The concept of witches exist in every single ancient culture in the world and are those who actually practice witchcraft. But the interesting fact about the ancient world, is usually religion and science are mixed into one. Ancient science mostly fall under a category of what this article would refer to as "observation science", it is about understanding how the way of nature work. What is most obvious, is in the Chinese religion Daoism, which in the ancient world, study the law of nature, through observation and recording. The same applies to ancient Europe, dated back to the same era, Daoism first emerged (over 2000 years ago), Ancient Romans, Greeks, Persians and Egyptians, observe the way of nature and recorded it and sometime develop various theories in regards to what might happen, as a result if doing things a certain way. However, ancient people usually do not understand the scientific reason behind, why things work this way and think it is of magical nature. For example, they understand the rain fall to the ground and the ancient Romans and Greeks know the importance to fertilized the land and the need of water for crops to grow, but they don't understand why, so, they think it is of magical nature. Ancient Chinese discover gun powder over at least 1000 years ago, but, they don't understand why, So, they assume it is of magical nature, but, after noticing the explosion power, ancient Chinese witches, started experimenting with power of the gun powder, under various proportion. Ancient Chinese, discover magnet, but they don't understand how and why it work, think it is of magical nature, but they used it, to their advantage, to invent the compass.
Observation science still exist and is been used today. For example, till date, we don't understand why there are gravity, we only know gravity exist and what is the most obvious of all, is the bermuda triangle, weird things happen there, all the time, but we don't understand why it is happening, we only know it happens. Till date we still don't understand how some birds are about to migrate over long distance from one side of the planet to another and not get lost, we only know they are capable of doing it.
In the ancient world, observation science, is even more of a real thing, then today and in addition, due to their lack of understanding, what is actually science, the ancient think of it as magic, it is much like, when the European first invade America and Africa, the natives, thought the rifles, are magic stick that kills, when Mongols invaded Europe, the European not able to understand why the Asians are able to mobility of Asian army, thought it was magic, where in reality, it was due to having better scientific knowledge, allow Asia to have better logistic mobility. Thus, in the ancient days, religion and science are frequently think of as one and the same, thus, science, is not think of as the study of science, but the study of magic and those who study science, instead of been thought of as scientists, are thought of as witches and the study of witchcraft.
In the ancient world, witches was highly regarded, by the people, including in pre Christians era Europe. This is especially considering, some witches' area of expert is in the science of medicine, in other word, they are doctors. If we really take a in depth understanding of the action of witches, in accordance to our mythology, we realized, many resemble the action of modern scientists.
For example, witches mix potion in pots and cooking potions in a pot, image a group of chemists, conducting experiments using beakers and sometime cooking it under a bunsen burner. Well, people 2000 years ago got no beaker or bunsen burner, so, what did ancient scientists use? They use the same type of pots and fire they use, to cook their meal. Does that not resemble the image, of witch mixing or cooking a potion?

As time went by and people know more and more about science, people started differentiate religion and science. What is consider to be actual science and what is voodoo none sense. However, since then there have been many occasions where things we thought to be voodoo none sense, is later been proven to be real, by actual modern science. For example, fortune tellers have for long time, been using the name of person to predict their future, something that is traditionally been thought of as voodoo none sense, now gain recognition in the field of psychology and linguistic studies. It is found, name have an influence upon a person on a sub conscious level, so, the name of a ship, can have an effect on the crew and name of a person can affect a person. In the army, the code name of an operation can have an effect on the soldiers that took part in the operation, for example, during the Golf War, when the original plan of the US and its ally was to defend, President George Bush Senior name the operation as "Operation Desert Shield", later, when the operation turn from defend to offense, President George Bush Senior rename the operation as "Operation Desert Storm" it had a dramatic effect on the soldiers on a sub conscious level and play a major role in the smooth success of the operation. Thus, by following this set of theory, sometime you are able to make some vague prediction about the future of a person. (and an interesting fact, in Olympic boxing matches, they always got one boxer wearing red and the other boxer wearing blue. The result of every Olympic shows, the boxer wearing red, is statistically twice more likely to win, than the boxer wearing blue, due to effect on the boxers on a subconscious level. This sort of subconscious effect, might also be the reason why, the US name all of their aircraft carriers, after a former US President.) Astrologist believe the position of the stars and other planet in relation to earth, can have certain effect on people and using this set of theory in regards to influence, they make prediction about what might happen in the future, despite there are 0 evidence to prove the theory of astrologists to be real, there have been cases where some astrologists made accurate prediction of the future, using this theory they believe in (for example both WW1 and WW2 was predicted by many astrologists), although some astrologists are also way off. Certain aspect of Asia's Feng Shui has been successfully proven by modern science, other aspect despite having no scientific evidence, has once and again proven to be real, for example, Feng Shui says, you should have no large mirrors in your room, especially those that cover an entire wall, otherwise you will keep getting sick. Modern science has no prove of such, but, this article has seen many cases of people that have such large mirror in their room, keep getting sick (especially in married couple, the one that sleep on the side of the mirror, get sick very often, while the other one, tend to be fine) after telling them about this situation, some of them give it a shot, putting a curtain over that mirror in his room or go sleep in another room, their rate of getting sick, start dropping quickly, afterwards.
The hate of witches in Christianity, origin from its teaching of the bible, which accuse everything that is not from its religion to be evil, this is seen in the bible's idea of Anti Christ
John 4:1~3 "Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from god, for many false prophets have gone out into the world. By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God and every spirit that does not confess Jesus in not from God. This is the spirit of the Antichrist, which you heard was coming and now is in the world already.
John 1:7 For many deceivers have gone out into the world, those who do not confess the coming of Jesus Christ in the flesh. Such a one is the deceiver and the Antichrist.
John 2:18 Children, it is the last hour and as you have heard that Anti Christ is coming, so now many Antichrist have come. Therefore we know that it is the last hour
John 2:22 Who is the liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the Antichrist, he who denies the Father and the Son
John 4:3 And every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the Antichrist, which you heard was coming and now is in the world already.
In other word, the bible accuse everything that is not from its religion to be false, evil and lie AKA the Anti-Christ. In fact the bible have passages that goes out of the way to discourage education, democracy and authority that is independent from Christianity
Proverbs 3:5~6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding in all your ways submit to him and he will make your paths straight
Roman 13:1~7 Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God and those that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed and those who resist will incur judgment.
Deuteronomy 17:12 The man who acts presumptuously by not listening to the priest who stands there to serve the LORD your God, nor to the judge that man shall die; thus you shall purge the evil from Israel
As a result, it is only nature for Christianity to have such great level of hate towards witches. And if that does not make Christianity, hate witches, the fact that science and magic was consider to be one and the same and the Christian believe of its god to be the one and only true god and all other god are evil demonic false god pretending to be god AKA Satan, would make them hate witches for certain. In fact, such hate towards witches is well documented within the bible e.g.
Exodus 22:18 “You shall not permit a sorceress to live."
Leviticus 20:27 "A man or a woman who is a medium or a necromancer shall surely be put to death. They shall be stoned with stones; their blood shall be upon them.”
Leviticus 20:6 "If a person turns to mediums and necromancers, whoring after them, I will set my face against that person and will cut him off from among his people.
The mass killing of witches, after the Catholic Church took power in Europe during the 5th century, is now consider to be the first step to the dark ages, with the mass killing of witches throughout the Roman Empire, which is really, the mass genocide of educated, especially those who are educated in the arena of science and medicine.
What some Christian fanatics might want to use, to keep defaming witches, is its association with "Lucifer". However, Lucifer is in fact, only defamed to be evil, due to the lie taught by the bible saying "Yahweh to be one and only true god and all other gods are evil demonic false gods pretending to be god" Lucifer, is in fact an ancient Roman God. Lucifer is the God of the sun, also known as the bringer of light, he is married to the goddess Diana, the god of the moon, their daughter, is consider as the god of witches and healers, in other word, the god of scientists and doctors.
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