There are lots of research into the topic of abuse to women. According to a study done by the US justice department found, despite in the west we believe the west treat women well and none west treat women like crap, what actual statistic found is that there are more case of women been abuse in the hand of male western spouse then any other. There are 2 independent study that suggest this possibility. 1. According to the record of US justice department there is a higher percentage of women that married to western spouse report been victim of abuse, then those from none western background, to be more precise, their are more that suffer abuse by Latino spouse, follow by African American spouse, follow by white spouse, follow by Arabic spouse, follow by Asian spouse, follow by Native American spouse, I am not aware of any record of people from Africa that is not African Americans, so I don't know about that. However, this study can be inaccurate, because women of certain ethnicity could under report, however, a second study (which off the top of my head I can't remember done by who, but I remember it is the US also) found over 50% of Japanese women who married western partner experienced domestic abuse, usually involving the husband demand her to serve him on hand and knee, while less then 10% who married Japanese men experience abuse (In other word, western stereotype believe Asia is a society where the husband is a King and wife is like a servant that serve him on hand and knee, while statistical study, not only undermine it this long standing western urban legion, it show reality is in reversal to it)
Study found, the main reason is currently the main theory in the western world, in relationship to the issue of the abuse to women is completely wrong, while policy makers are working in coalition with flawed theory, which frequently only make things worse, while real issue is neglected.
Two flawed theory is that (1) Abuse to women is due to men suppressing women (2) The west treat women well and the none west treat women like crap.
The idea of abuse to women is due to men suppressing women, is a feminist theory, but the theory is more in alliance with Marxism, which believe the continue struggle between class, to such extend, some feminist theorist also believe in the continue struggle between gender, resulting in gender inequality. However, this feminist theory is as flawed as Marxism, to the extend that the struggle between class does not always happen, instead it is very circumstantial base, Google is a best example of a company where class struggle don't happen, where Google provide its employee with the best benefit you can imagine, in fact, according to Google's policy, if you passed away while working for Google, your wife and kids would continue to recieve pay check after you died and in exchange, Google's employee are some of the most loyal, professional, dedicated and hard working people. Another example is Singapore, Singapore is a Prime Minister dictatorship, where the Lee family and the people Action Party hold dictatorship to Singapore for over 50 years, but the Lee family is benefitial dictator, who govern Singapore very well and the life in Singapore is great and as a result, the people of Singapore, love the Lee government and nobody really care if it is a dictatorship. In some other cases, class truggle do happen, with either corporate trying to screw over the workers and the workers forming unions sometime making unreasonable demand on the company. Or for example in Syria the Gaduffy dictatorship suppress the people to secure its own power and only look out for its own family interest, until finally the people had enough and revolt. In fact, it can be argue, usually the most successful companies and nations are the one that are less likely to see cases of class struggle. The same applies to the feminist theory of gender struggle, in fact gender struggle probably happen even less then class struggle. For example, many idea we today think to be gender inequality, if we consider the social context where they was form, it was simply the right thing to do and/or qualify for real gender equality for its era and something qualify as gender equality today, in the social context of another era, it could be gender inequality and/or wrong thing to do. For example, 200 years ago people get married much younger, women get married around 14 or 15, if you are 20 and still unwed, you are consider an old maid, but men get married much later around 19~21. think of it this way, a 15 years old girl, don't u think it is better idea for her father to be involved in the process of helping her find a husband, rather then for her to make the whole decision herself? And after marriage consider the wife is only 15 (practically still a child) and the husband is 21, which is an adult, then if the husband is a decent guy, won't it make sense for the wife to listen to her husband, at least until she become an adult? And as for the man's job is external and woman's job is internal, this origin in cave man era, where both gender need to work, domestic task of the village simply require lesser physical strength, while external task require more physical strength, that is why they had men doing external task and women doing internal task, to demand half of woman to work on external task, while half of men get to do internal task that would be gender inequality for its era (except for men who are elderly or sick then those guys should do internal task or if there ain't enough men for external task, then draft a few of the toughest girls for it) But the problem is, later when situation change, the way people do things don't change with it, that is what led to gender inequality, nearly all of the times. In fact statistic have found more women suffer abuse within lesbian relationship, then is straight relationship
(2) The west treat women well and none west treat women like crap, is really nothing more then a propaganda piece first promoted by white supremacists, this idea itself have no real evidence to support the theory and most of what we believe to be evidence to prove it, is frequently been over turned, once examine the facts. The forefather of white supremacy, origin from the bible, which teaches the idea that Christian are superior and none Christians are inferior, base on that existing idea, people started to create ideas of what the none west is like and established much of the modern west's traditional idea of the none west, because the west got a white majority, it eventually lead to the belief that the whites are superior and because most white people are from the west, it leads to the idea that the west is superior, with the modern western world, becoming better educated and increase globalization people are able to differentiate between those flawed Christian values and racist propaganda, but the idea of the west is superior is still very much alive, but it is usually not sustainable, take the Arabic world for example, we frequently associate that place with images of harsh religious law that can violate human right and the people are all very religious, but most people who been there would tell you, to say the Arabic world is like that, due to that image, would be no different if the none west say, the entire western world are inhumane Christians, due to there are some devoted Christians and amount them some become radical and go on angry protests saying "god hate fags" and that Russia outlawed homosexuality, in other word, just like it is only a proportion of westerner people and western nation that is like that, only a proportion of Arabs and Arabic nations are like that. Take the "Asia is a society where the husband is like a King and wife like a servant" stereotype, study from the US itself found the west is way more like that then Asia and Asia is much less like that then the western world think.
But because much of our government policy in relation to abuse to women is base on these 2 very flawed theories, it continue to miss the real issue and create policy that don't resolve the problem but too often make things even worse.
Studies found issue associate with abuse to women in the western world is usually to do with (1) Traditional western value and (2) Christian value and last but not lease (3) Our own ill and ineffective policy of protecting women from abuse, more frequently backfire and cause more women to become victim of abuse.
Traditional western value belief a true love and true happiness for a woman is to be marry and have a man, all else is irrelevant, this idea is reinforce by fairy tale, frequently ended with stuff such as "So, Snow White and the prince lived happily ever after" without explaining why. What this mean is that too frequently, western girls are led to a distorted idea of true love and happiness since a young age, expert refer to this as "response shaping process" which is to persuade a person to a distorted view when they have limited or no understanding of a situation, the idea is, when a person have limited or no understanding to a situation they don't have the necessary fact to contradict what they are been persuaded to believe in (that is also how many of our western stereotype of the none west, able establish itself also, they are constructed in an era where people are not so well educated and have limited contact with the none west, therefore, have fewer understanding to contradict propaganda idea of Christian is superior, white race is superior and the west is superior, despite the west was only most powerful for during the 19th century and it was only a select numbers of western nations and despite western Europe still got 1st world status, with a few heavy weights including British, France and Germany, all of Central and South America and Eastern Europe are 2nd and 3rd world countries), it is extremely effective amount children, which have no understanding towards anything. This dramatically increase the rate of abuse to women in the west, with women, obsess with fair tale romance, she would stay in an abusive relationship, if it contain what she belief to be of fair tale romance characteristic or she would stay with an abusive spouse just to have a man and some abusive man knows it, for example, a lot of man know the best way to get a hot girl, is while it is a good idea to say she is beautiful, to make her feel good about her self, sometime it is also a good idea to point out her characteristic flaws thus for example to pull a very hot girl off her high horse, so she is not so impossible to get (eg when she crack joke saying you are old you reply saying "So, you ain't so young yourself either, you know?") but men who are abusive, tends to take this too far for example, he would call her beautiful one second and then calling her ugly the next, feeding her insecurity, thus due to her fear of not been able to find a guy, she choose to stay with this abusive spouse, just to have a man, this sort of abusive men, are usually selfish and don't care who they hurt in the process as long as they get what they want, so they have no problem taking this tearing a girl down, thing, so far, just to get and keep a girl.
(2) Christian value, the idea of a woman must get married, origin from the bible, which teach it is the duty of the women to either become a wife or a nun, while it is true, from the perspective of national interest, we should encourage people to get married and have kids, it should not be at the expense of the women ended up been victim of abuse, but intentionally or unintentionally that is what the bible did. Make it worse, the bible also belief a women must be in all way submissive to her husband and is the property of her husband, which can easily to be evaluate to be it is alright for a man to slap his woman around and demand for her to serve him on hand and knee, [in fact even worse then that, according to this Christian value, it can be easily argue, the bible infer the idea that he can even go further and be a bum that sit on his ass all day, while his wife need to work to support him, then come home just to serve him, let him slap her around whenever he want and when he felt like it be his whore or when he don't feel like it, he can screw around with other women, while she serve both him and his mistress on hand and knees!] whether that is the bible's intention, we don't know, but it for certain got that result and consider Christian value don't allow divorce, it just make things worse
(3) The ill policy of trying to protect women against violence, is actually resulting in more women ending up been victim of abuse under the current environment. Due to failing to understand the real issue of abuse to women, the policy maker just kept making more and more policy to protect women, but most are just political correctness going insane and help to resolve no real issue, for example the idea of "you should never hit a woman", well...what if a woman try to assault you, what if she try to stab you with a knife? Whenever I heard the term of "You should never hit a woman" I always say "no, the correct term is, you should never assault a person and you can only self defense, if there are justifiable cause." If it is self defense with justifiable cause, it is Ok, to hit a person, even if it is a woman. But concepts such as "you should never hit a woman" is increasingly helping to create a prejudice society, which always assume any case of a man hitting a woman, must be men abusing women, even if there are justifiable reason to believe it to be self defense, as a result, today, we are seen more and more case of men, also becoming victim of abuse, this don't happen 20 years ago, because men are much stronger then women, so it is very easy for a man to deal with an abusive woman and then, send her divorce papers. This is just one of the main examples, there are many more cases, as a result, more and more men are bailing out of marriage or even dating. (rather watch porn and jerk off, then to actually get a girl friend) and the ones that are bailing out are all the decent ones, think of it this way, there are 2 guys, one is a jerk that been in and out of prison his entire life, he got no job, no career, no prospect, no money all he cares about is taking drugs, the other one is an up standing young man, who never been in trouble, got a good job, with good prospect of the future and possible for the future, now, which one of these two men are more likely to risk getting into a relationship, just to later find out the girl is abusive and when he slap her to defend himself, he somehow got accuse of abuse to women and ended up in prison for it? Which one of these two men got more to loose, as a result of this? So, which one of the two are more likely to bail out of dating and marriage? So, with more decent men bailing out of the dating game and marriage game, women have a greater limitation of choice and in a society, where women are obsess with finding a man due to flawed traditional value and Christian value, it means, more women would choose to be with an abusive spouse just to have a man!!! Dr. Helen Hunt, is one of the leading expert in the study of this topic, she wrote some good paper on this topic and is worth a look
Brought to you by 666 (Yes, I am not going to lie to you, my birth sign literally is 666, which is also the number of the 2nd beast of the anti christ)
Please also check out this novel I wrote inspire by issue associate with abuse to women, partly base on a girl I know in real life and partly base on academic research. I wrote it prior to coming across information of how Christian value contribute to women been victim of abuse in the west, otherwise, I would totally tear the bible a new one, in this book also :)