
Thursday, December 20, 2018

Documentary: Richard Gere's Buddhism

Despite after 500 years of religion reform, some modern Christian groups still got a great deal of problem, most evidence by the recent campaign of lobbying government to discriminate against gay, even the encourage of killing gays. (What was originally a simple matter of some gays felt it is unfair their marriage is not recognized by the law, therefore the government need to determine whether it is unfair to gay and if yes, whether we should legally recognized same sex marriage, became a complex issue, where gays need to go further to defend their human rights against Christian groups that would even lobby government to legalized "kill all gays" due problematic teachings of the bible. Regardless of whether you support gay marriage or like homosexuality, I think it is fair to say, all people deserve the right not to be persecuted simply for their sexual preference, because it is not hurting anyone.) Evidence has prove, the long term resolution is still to try encourage alternative religions, which is why I share this documentary with you today.


The Egyptian Pharaoh: The Legacy of Ishtar Mother of Heaven and Earth

The Egyptian Pharaoh: The Legacy of Ishtar Mother of Heaven and Earth
(Fiction, Martial Art, Fantasy, Adventure) A Novel that doesn't like the bible

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