
Friday, January 11, 2019

Crappy (very likely abusive) Christian Boy Friend, get what he deserve

Girls this video below is an example of why you should never get involve with a real Christian. And should not follow the teaching of the bible. If your boy friend is like this, tear up your bible and find a guy to leave your boy friend for (nothing wrong about cheating on your Christian boy friend under the circumstances) or even better, dump him right away, because its better to be single, than to stay with a man like this.

Most people that convert to Christianity, do it, due to it give them an excuse to do something. For example, people who are highly anti gays, are likely to become a Christian, because it give them an excuse to justify their anger and lush out even assault these people.

Despite the west, believe west treat women better then the none west, all research show, the west has been and still got the highest rate of abuse towards women, for at least the past few hundred years. Teaching of the bible that allow men to mistreat women, attracted selfish men to the religion, as it give them an excuse to justify their mistreatment, even abusive nature towards women.

The Egyptian Pharaoh: The Legacy of Ishtar Mother of Heaven and Earth

The Egyptian Pharaoh: The Legacy of Ishtar Mother of Heaven and Earth
(Fiction, Martial Art, Fantasy, Adventure) A Novel that doesn't like the bible

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