The bible is like a chicken that cannot lay any egg, but shit all over the place 聖經 = 生雞蛋無拉雞屎有
Sunday, April 29, 2018
Tuesday, April 17, 2018
A Pagan ritual: How to communicate with the "REAL" Gods
Since the rise of the Yahweh faith in the western world, there was continue suppression, of other religion believe and forcing people to worship Yahweh as the one and only true god. It is almost as if facing a tyrant with a thirst for power and trying to secure that power to rule through tyranny.
In religions of the Yahweh faith, it refer to all other gods as evil demonic false gods, pretending to be god, AKA Satan. While considering some of the stuff, the bible teach, such as mass murder of gays and its disturbing teaching of making it alright for a man to rape a woman, if he is willing to pay her father 40 pieces of silver, but if a woman have pre marital sex they execute her for been a slut. The list of disturbing bible teaching goes on, not to mention, the only dynasty that follow the teaching of the bible, with the Vatican city in charge, the end result of following the teaching of the bible is 1000 years of dark ages, inquisition, meaningless religion wars and the black plagued lasted for 100 years, while when plague emerged in many other parts of the world, (e.g. China), it can be place under control and dealt with much quicker, because according to the teaching of the bible, education is a sin you are only allow to study the bible, conducting original research and study materials of none biblical source is a sin, so, when the black plague strike, people only went to the church and prey.
proverb 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
It can even be argued that, while the teaching of the Yahweh faith claim, Yahweh is the one and only true god and all other gods are evil demonic false gods pretending to be god, AKA Satan. It is those other gods, which are the real god and Yahweh is the evil demonic false god pretending to be god.
So, today we will talk about a pagan ritual in regards to how to communicate with the gods, the "REAL' gods.
Unlike the western world, which is unfortunate and got conquer by the Yahweh cult, Asia by fortune, was never conquer by it. Don't get me wrong, there was a few attempts in history, but every time Asia won, but usually at very high price. In China it included the Yellow Turban Rebellion 黃巾賊 that occurred between the 184AD~205AD, the Yahweh followers' revolt attempt was an ultimate failure. But the aftermath of the war, also saw the raise of warlords in China, leading to the collapse of the Han Dynasty as warlord Cao Cao holding the Emperor as a puppet and appointed himself Prime Minister, leading to a largest civil war in China, with governor of the Southern State refusing to recognize the authority of Cao Cao. The next recorded attempt of Yahweh follower revolt is the Ming cult 明教 More evidence today, prove, the Ming cult is a Yahweh cult, during the Song dynasty between 10th~13th century, they made 2 revolt attempt, in Southern China and was defeated, but the cost to China, was that it also contribute to China been vulnerable and was conquer by the Mongol Empire. Later in the 14th century, rebel leaders, first ally with the Ming cult, to fight the Mongols, even been baptists, to be followers of the religion and established the Ming Empire, but then, they betray the Ming cult, letting them been destroy by the Mongols, when their army is no longer needed and to prove to Ming cult followers, Yahweh is a false god, they forced nuns of Ming cult into prostitution and when the people see that Yahweh didn't punish them for forcing these nuns to be prostitutes, the remaining Ming cult followers abandon the cult, afterwards, the new Kingdom established by the rebels, was still call the Ming Empire, despite in reality, it no longer got nothing to do with the Yahweh cult. The third attempt recorded took place in Japan, where Japanese that converted to Catholic, under the order of the pope, tried to revolt but also fail, in the aftermath, Japan refuse all trade and contact with foreign nations, except China, until the 19th century. The final attempt, was the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom 太平天國, in 19th century China, over 1 million people died in the war, the war was so costly for the Chinese that China started becoming vulnerable to the European powers, in the aftermath.
But what that also mean, is the Yahweh cult never become mainstream in Asia, thus, pagan religion continue to be mainstream till date. As explained in previous article, of this blog. The main gods of all pagan religion in the world are the same and they all got the same origin, from ancient Africa, before the first human left Africa and when the first human left Africa, they bring their religion believe with them to all parts of the world and then throughout the world, the religion believes started evolving independently. Thus, all pagan religion are the same and the gods of all pagan religion are in fact the same gods, been interpreted differently by people of different area. (For more info, please read the previous article "Why should we support Satan and Lucifer, over Christian god Yahweh" on this blog
So, today, we will be teaching you a method in regards to how the Chinese Pagan religion Taoism communicate with a god. This is a most simple process, even those who are not priests or priestesses can do. Because, as I explain before the gods of all pagan religions are the same gods, this same method that is used to communicate with Taoism pagan gods, can also be used to communicate with western Pagan gods, such as Athena, Thor, Zeus etc, due to they are in reality the same gods, as the Chinese Taoism Pagan gods. In East Asia this method of Taoism, is been used, also by some Buddhists, to ask Buddhism gods questions.
This is use by an instrument call 擲筊 which to the best knowledge of this article, does not have an English name, so, we will translate it directly from Chinese call it "throwing Zhixiao". Like a penny, a Zhixiao have a head side and a tail side. Zhixiao comes in pairs, with two identical Zhixiao, as shown in the image below
As an alternative to Zhixiao, something else that got both a head side and a tail side, can be use as substitution e.g. two coins.
When you are to ask the gods a question, ask the gods in a prayer, but hold the Zhixiao between your hands, afterwards, open your palm and let it drop to the ground.
If you get one head and one tail, as shown in the image below, and you manage to get one head and one tail, three times in a row, it means the gods say yes, however, it only mean the gods say yes, if you get this same result three times in a row.
If your drop result, show as the image below, it mean the gods disapprove of what you are asking, it might even mean, the gods are angry at you, for having such consideration
If your drop result is, as shown below it means that gods are not sure what you are asking or the gods will consider your request, but is not giving you an answer for now.
When you are using coins as substitution, due to the limitation, all you can say is that, if you get one head and one tail three times in a row, within the drop, it means the gods say yes. Otherwise, it means either the gods are not answering, not sure what you are talking about or the gods says no.
There have actually been some cases that make it into the news, that really seem to be miracle from the gods, using this method
PS: According to statistic Christians have the highest rate of abuse towards women in the world, as a result, the western world got the highest rate of abuse towards women, despite the general believe is the western world got the lowest rate of abuse towards women. Many of the reason, is directly the result of the teaching of the bible. This blog, wrote a series of advice to Christian women, about how to deal with this issue under the title of "Cupid's advice to Christian women about how to avoid abusive relationship)
Because Cupid is really the Roman and Greek god of love and marriage, after writing the first advice, this blog used this pagan method, to ask Cupid whether he approve of this advice. Because we don't have Zhixiao, so, we use two coins as substitution. And guess, what, we made three throws in a row and all three throws, we got one head and one tail, meaning, Cupid approve.
Read the Cupid approved message of: Cupid's advice to Christian women about how to avoid abusive relationship #1
(For the other advice, we didn't used the Zhixiao ritual to ask whether Cupid approve. We only asked Cupid's approval for the first advice. Because this is one, we know for certain Cupid would approve of)
In religions of the Yahweh faith, it refer to all other gods as evil demonic false gods, pretending to be god, AKA Satan. While considering some of the stuff, the bible teach, such as mass murder of gays and its disturbing teaching of making it alright for a man to rape a woman, if he is willing to pay her father 40 pieces of silver, but if a woman have pre marital sex they execute her for been a slut. The list of disturbing bible teaching goes on, not to mention, the only dynasty that follow the teaching of the bible, with the Vatican city in charge, the end result of following the teaching of the bible is 1000 years of dark ages, inquisition, meaningless religion wars and the black plagued lasted for 100 years, while when plague emerged in many other parts of the world, (e.g. China), it can be place under control and dealt with much quicker, because according to the teaching of the bible, education is a sin you are only allow to study the bible, conducting original research and study materials of none biblical source is a sin, so, when the black plague strike, people only went to the church and prey.
proverb 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
It can even be argued that, while the teaching of the Yahweh faith claim, Yahweh is the one and only true god and all other gods are evil demonic false gods pretending to be god, AKA Satan. It is those other gods, which are the real god and Yahweh is the evil demonic false god pretending to be god.
So, today we will talk about a pagan ritual in regards to how to communicate with the gods, the "REAL' gods.
Unlike the western world, which is unfortunate and got conquer by the Yahweh cult, Asia by fortune, was never conquer by it. Don't get me wrong, there was a few attempts in history, but every time Asia won, but usually at very high price. In China it included the Yellow Turban Rebellion 黃巾賊 that occurred between the 184AD~205AD, the Yahweh followers' revolt attempt was an ultimate failure. But the aftermath of the war, also saw the raise of warlords in China, leading to the collapse of the Han Dynasty as warlord Cao Cao holding the Emperor as a puppet and appointed himself Prime Minister, leading to a largest civil war in China, with governor of the Southern State refusing to recognize the authority of Cao Cao. The next recorded attempt of Yahweh follower revolt is the Ming cult 明教 More evidence today, prove, the Ming cult is a Yahweh cult, during the Song dynasty between 10th~13th century, they made 2 revolt attempt, in Southern China and was defeated, but the cost to China, was that it also contribute to China been vulnerable and was conquer by the Mongol Empire. Later in the 14th century, rebel leaders, first ally with the Ming cult, to fight the Mongols, even been baptists, to be followers of the religion and established the Ming Empire, but then, they betray the Ming cult, letting them been destroy by the Mongols, when their army is no longer needed and to prove to Ming cult followers, Yahweh is a false god, they forced nuns of Ming cult into prostitution and when the people see that Yahweh didn't punish them for forcing these nuns to be prostitutes, the remaining Ming cult followers abandon the cult, afterwards, the new Kingdom established by the rebels, was still call the Ming Empire, despite in reality, it no longer got nothing to do with the Yahweh cult. The third attempt recorded took place in Japan, where Japanese that converted to Catholic, under the order of the pope, tried to revolt but also fail, in the aftermath, Japan refuse all trade and contact with foreign nations, except China, until the 19th century. The final attempt, was the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom 太平天國, in 19th century China, over 1 million people died in the war, the war was so costly for the Chinese that China started becoming vulnerable to the European powers, in the aftermath.
But what that also mean, is the Yahweh cult never become mainstream in Asia, thus, pagan religion continue to be mainstream till date. As explained in previous article, of this blog. The main gods of all pagan religion in the world are the same and they all got the same origin, from ancient Africa, before the first human left Africa and when the first human left Africa, they bring their religion believe with them to all parts of the world and then throughout the world, the religion believes started evolving independently. Thus, all pagan religion are the same and the gods of all pagan religion are in fact the same gods, been interpreted differently by people of different area. (For more info, please read the previous article "Why should we support Satan and Lucifer, over Christian god Yahweh" on this blog
So, today, we will be teaching you a method in regards to how the Chinese Pagan religion Taoism communicate with a god. This is a most simple process, even those who are not priests or priestesses can do. Because, as I explain before the gods of all pagan religions are the same gods, this same method that is used to communicate with Taoism pagan gods, can also be used to communicate with western Pagan gods, such as Athena, Thor, Zeus etc, due to they are in reality the same gods, as the Chinese Taoism Pagan gods. In East Asia this method of Taoism, is been used, also by some Buddhists, to ask Buddhism gods questions.
This is use by an instrument call 擲筊 which to the best knowledge of this article, does not have an English name, so, we will translate it directly from Chinese call it "throwing Zhixiao". Like a penny, a Zhixiao have a head side and a tail side. Zhixiao comes in pairs, with two identical Zhixiao, as shown in the image below
As an alternative to Zhixiao, something else that got both a head side and a tail side, can be use as substitution e.g. two coins.
When you are to ask the gods a question, ask the gods in a prayer, but hold the Zhixiao between your hands, afterwards, open your palm and let it drop to the ground.
If you get one head and one tail, as shown in the image below, and you manage to get one head and one tail, three times in a row, it means the gods say yes, however, it only mean the gods say yes, if you get this same result three times in a row.
If your drop result, show as the image below, it mean the gods disapprove of what you are asking, it might even mean, the gods are angry at you, for having such consideration
If your drop result is, as shown below it means that gods are not sure what you are asking or the gods will consider your request, but is not giving you an answer for now.
When you are using coins as substitution, due to the limitation, all you can say is that, if you get one head and one tail three times in a row, within the drop, it means the gods say yes. Otherwise, it means either the gods are not answering, not sure what you are talking about or the gods says no.
The video below can demonstrate to westerners how to ask the "REAL" gods a question, using the Taoism method
There have actually been some cases that make it into the news, that really seem to be miracle from the gods, using this method
In the video below, things got really odd. A person went into a temple and to ask the god a question, he threw down the Zhixiao, at first throw the result isn't one head and one tail, but after the two Zhixiao hit the ground and stop, suddenly one Zhixiao jumped up from the ground and flipped around, to give a Yes answer. Even the temple priest said, this is the first time, he ever seen something like this, after been a priest for so many years. The entire process got recorded on a smart phone and put onto youtube
Because Cupid is really the Roman and Greek god of love and marriage, after writing the first advice, this blog used this pagan method, to ask Cupid whether he approve of this advice. Because we don't have Zhixiao, so, we use two coins as substitution. And guess, what, we made three throws in a row and all three throws, we got one head and one tail, meaning, Cupid approve.
Read the Cupid approved message of: Cupid's advice to Christian women about how to avoid abusive relationship #1
(For the other advice, we didn't used the Zhixiao ritual to ask whether Cupid approve. We only asked Cupid's approval for the first advice. Because this is one, we know for certain Cupid would approve of)
Tuesday, April 3, 2018
Cupid's advice to Christian women about how to avoid abusive relationship (Three)
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Hi, I am cupid :)
My Resume...oh, I don't know just the god of love, marriage and relationship for at least the last 2000 years?
Cupid's Advice Number 3
As a Christian, since your childhood you have been taught that once you get marry, you should marry for life, regardless of circumstances. Due to a great deal of passages within the bible that is anti-divorce.
Some of these bible passages include
Corinthians 7:10-11
To the married I give this charge (not I, but the Lord): the wife should not separate from her husband (but if she does, she should remain unmarried or else be reconciled to her husband), and the husband should not divorce his wife.
Romans 7:2
For a married woman is bound by law to her husband while he lives, but if her husband dies she is released from the law of marriage.
Well, firstly, the teaching of the bible is wrong. There is nothing wrong about divorces. Also, there is nothing wrong about adultery, as long as its consensual (unless you are cheating on your partner. But it is alright for you to cheat on your partner if e.g. your partner is abusive and it is alright to cheat on your boy friend if e.g. he is married)
Like everybody I know sometime it is hard to let go, of a love and especially children, there is nothing harder for them, then to see their parents divorce. But either way, there is nothing wrong about divorces and sometime, it might be the best course of action, maybe not just for you, but also for your partner and your children.
When it is the wrong person,
1. An early break up is better then a late breakup
2. An early divorce is better then a late divorce
3. A break up is better then a divorce
4. Break up/Divorce before having kids, is better then break up/divorce after having kids
In addition Cupid love the following YouTube video made by a Buddhist monk about marriage. It contradict the bible completely, but it presented a much healthier attitude, then that of the bible and Cupid would recommend you use the teaching of this video to substitute the teaching of the bible, in regards to marriage.
Because the video is in Chinese, Cupid will translate it into English and show the video below the translation
Marriage destiny is already decided by karma
Why people in the ancient days, can easier keep their marriage vows? It is because they believe their destiny as husband and wife is determined by Karma,
Life is like a train, driving towards your grave.
While riding along this train, you would meet lots of train stops.
Nobody is meant to be on this train with you, for your entire journey. whether it is your family, friends or lover.
You will see people come and go, getting on and off this train.
If you are lucky somebody will accompany for a period of the journey, but when he/she is going to get off the train, even if it is hard to let go, you should still be grateful, then wave and say goodbye, because in the next stop there will be somebody else that will accompany you to go further....
1. The taste of coffee is not about how you stir it, but whether you put in sugar. A painful pass, is not about how to forget it, but whether you got the courage to start again.
2. Somebody who chase after two bunnies in the same time, ended up not catching either. Don't be greedy and try have it all, don't try to know everything, don't try to be superman, focus on what you do best and do it.
3. Everybody is a bitten apple, all got imperfection. Some people got bigger imperfection, because heaven love him/her more.
4. The same bottle water, cost $3.00 at 7/11, but cost $30.00 in a five star restaurant. A lot of times, the value of a person is determined by the position
5. A relationship between 2 people are like a sweater. when you are making it, you need to put it together one stich at a time, you need to be careful and it take time. But when you are destroying it, you only need to pull it sofetly.
6. Marriage isn't 1+1 =2, but it is 0.5+0.5=1, both people take away part of their imperfection and then add together to form a perfect union.
7. There are four questions in life: School, Career, Marriage and Family. What qualify as a passing grade, is whether the average score is a pass. Don't spend too much energy on a single question.
8. A lifetime, can be consider as both long and short. charish those who are by your side, once they pass you by, they pass you by. Charish those who are currently by yourside
How to ask the Roman god Cupid for guidance via Pagan ritual
Beautiful Pagan Wedding
The western world got the highest rate of abuse to women, Christian value is partly to blame
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